José Luis Gisbert de Elío (València, 1972), is an Architect (UPV, 2001) with Territory, Enviromental and Planning Master (UPV, 2005), practitioner and associate lecturer at CEU Cardenal Herrera University since 2008. He has taught in several subjects at the area of Urbanism of the Architecture degree as Landscape and Territory, Urban Planning Techniques, Urban Regeneration and Public Space Design. Also member of jury in final degree project and some workshops coordinator as Urban Green Infrastructure or Activation of Public Space. Combining teaching, research and professional practice allows him to offer a complete vision to students. Before 2007 worked in several architectural studios, from 2007 cofunder of EFGarquitectura with Pilar Ferreres independently or associated with other companies. In 2015 our proposal PAM_PIHE_VLC receives the Visionaries Award at Viena Walk21 conference “Walking Ahead” at Planning and Design for Liveable Public Spaces category. So in order to push innovation and urban renovation processes co-founds Arquitecturia Non Profit Association. Some recognitions in public contest as the First Prize for the Planning of the East limit of the inner Dock of the Port of Valencia (2006), First Prize for the Development Plan of the “Fuente Baldomero” Area in Requena (2004) or public most voted proposal at Gandía Ahuir planning area Landscape and Renovation contest (2014). Author of different publications, including the book Los instrumentos de ordenación. Una herramienta para el proyecto territorial y urbano (2013), and the articles “Infraestructura verde urbana” from the PAISEA landscape magazine (2014) and “Antecedents i referències per a una Planificació Estratègica Metropolitana: el cas de l’Horta Sud” from the magazine Quaderns de l'Horta (2009), all of them co-authored with Daniel Monleón. Some architecture’s blog entries: Some news: