Juan Marco is an architect involved in combining theory and practice as regards the construction of architecture. He studied architecture in Valencia, Buenos Aires (final degree studentship) and Barcelona (PhD) and gave lectures in several universities and institutions. Before joining UCH-CEU Department of Design Projects, Theory and Technique and Architecture in 2019, he participated in teaching at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and also in the UCH-CEU Industrialization and Architectural Prefabrication Master. juanmarcoarquitectos office, located in Valencia, is a cross between a workplace, a laboratory and a space to study since 2004. Faced with a new paradigm shift in architecture, it´s committed to a frame of reference without specialization and without a defined position, where the implementation of all the available devices turns the project into an instrument of reflection and communication: the project as an idea of future. The strategies to operate are founded within the limits of the dominant conditions, committed to reality and generating possibilities with optimism and the joy of technology. He has received numerous distinctions, including the 2017 COACV Award, First Prize for Xativa CTAV Headquarters Competition, and a finalist in Napisa Prizes (national industrial architecture prize) and his work has appeared in various Spanish and international publications such as 2G, TC Cuadernos, Summa+, Arquitectura Viva, Via Arquitectura, and others magazines, books and exhibition catalogues. Besides these publications, his research experience includes working as a curator in exhibitions or as an editor.