Lucía Hilario Pérez was born in Alcoy, 20th of March 1975. Since I was a child my real passion was being teacher maths probably because I was math fun and I like to help people. For that reason, I decided to study mathematics degree. I got my degree in Mathematics by Valencian University and I am PhD in Mathematics by Cardenal Herrera CEU 10th of December 2012 with the title: "Técnicas Computacionales y Álgebra Tensorial para su aplicación en robótica móvil y simulación numérica. I am Professor in Mathematics, Physics and Tecnological Science Department in Cardenal Herrera University since 2002. I have developed different rols in the University like erasmus coordinator or coordinator of first year of architecture degree. At the same time of teaching and doing different tasks of the University I have a line of research related with robotics that it was the aim of my thesis. I have participated in different research project and I’m participating also in more research projects: a project related with Ford Company, a project related with Catedra ESI-Group and a European project related with education and robotics. My hobbies are travelling, reading, sports and yoga. I am yoga fun since last 5 years and I practice yoga 4 times per week thanks to the pandemia. I also began to practice meditation 5 years ago and I try to live in a mindfulness life. Links: Arquitectura y Fallas Alumnos internacionales y Fallas Beneficios del Mindfulness para los futuros directivos Computación Cuántica Robótica Educativa Robótica Educativa Robótica i Art Mujeres STEAM