The work of Dr. Mario Inclán (H index = 13) is centred on the biomedical applications of Supramolecular Chemistry. It has led to the publication of 31 scientific articles and one patent. The relevance of his contributions is evidenced by the more than 512 citations received and the fact that 25 of them have been published in the top 25% (Q1) journals of their category. Moreover, his results have been presented in the form of oral communications in more than 22 national and international congresses, as well as posters and press releases in various media. Among his works as a first author, it is worth mentioning the one published in the prestigious JACS (Inclán, M., et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 9644) that has received more than 96 citations. In this ground-breaking paper, Dr. Inclán demonstrates, for the first time, how induced molecular reorganizations can be used to modulate the cytotoxicity of antitumour compounds. He is now trying to expand the application of these “synthetic allosteric systems” to the fight against antimicrobial resistant pathogens, a novel and original approach to this problematic, and a new line of research in his group. As a postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Inclán was awarded in 2016 a Marie S. Curie fellowship at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Athens, Greece. After a paternity leave, he was reincorporated to his Host Institution in 2018 as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2019 he was awarded a third postdoctoral fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana (APOSTD2019) and has enjoyed a one-year postdoctoral stay in the group of Prof. Pau Ballester (ICIQ, Tarragona). Dr. Inclán is now participating in national (MINECO), regional (PROMETEO) and European (COST Action) projects and has built an extensive network of international scientific collaborations. His independence and leadership as a researcher are demonstrated by the recent publication of three articles as Corresponding Author and by the fact that he has opened a new research line at his host institution. His research has a clear impact in society since most of his results have biomedical implications. As a co-inventor in a patent related to antiparasitic compounds for Tropical Neglected Diseases, Dr. Inclán is making great efforts to advance this technology and has codrafted a recently granted proposal for its develpment. This technology is expected to have a great positive impact in health-care systems, particularly for developing countries. Dr. Inclán has participated as Vice-Chair for the European Commission, assisting the Research Executive Agency (REA) in the MSCA-PF call.