Vicente Hernández Rabaza. Since 2005, his research career has been developed through the participation of several Spanish and European scientific projects. He has learned to work and collaborate with different research groups throughout his career, all groups were relevant in their respective research fields. His scientific production has translated into more than 40 publications in specialized journals. Overall, his work has contributed to the growth of their respective fields of research, including his experimental work in adult neurogenesis, in which he explored the contribution of new neurons in learning and memory, and his work on the mechanisms underlying neuroinflammation in models of encephalopathy and neurodegeneration. Throughout his professional career, he has gained research skills and techniques, including cellular and molecular biology analysis, mainly by immunohistochemistry and western blotting, and animal behaviour research, as well as teamwork and scientific communication abilities. He has co-directed experimental work and trained students who are now part of competitive research teams. He is currently a member of the laboratory of therapeutic strategies in ocular pathologies and a full professor in cell biology at the UCH-CEU University (CEU Educational Group). In which he is studying retinal neurodegeneration, his work has been recognized, as principal investigator, with two public competitive projects, in 2018 and 2024 (regional calls, Valencia, Spain). In collaboration with his current group, new techniques have been incorporated into the research portfolio, highlighting cell biology culture studies and blood extracellular vesicle analysis. He is currently co-directing a doctoral thesis on retinal neurodegeneration. Recently, he has moved up to research leading and coordination, creating new national and international collaborations. In sum, for the past 20 years, Vicente has maintained a steady and productive research career, in collaboration with diverse research groups. Finally, he combines his research career with scientific dissemination activities, university management and graduate and postgraduate teaching. As a disseminator, his talks on applied neurobiology stand out and keeps a continuous science divulgation line by social networks, blogs and news publications. As a university manager, he exercised management functions as a coordinator of the Dentistry degree, he currently carries out management and direction tasks in two university venues (Elche and Valencia). Vicente has been a member of the Department of Biomedical Sciences teaching staff since 2016, from where she has taught cellular biology in Veterinary, Dentistry and Medicine degrees, and biomedical postgraduate courses. As academic director he has guided several final graduate and postgraduate projects. Its scientific production rates are as follows: Scientific production. Source: Web of Science (WOS) • Author: Vicente Hernández-Rabaza. (Firm: Hernandez-Rabaza V, Hernandez-Rabaza V, Hernandez-Rabaza Vicente, Hernandez-Rabaza Vicente) • Publications indexed in WOS: 52. Publications indexed in Medline (NIH): 38 • H-Index :26. Source: (WOS) Featured Accreditations Six-year research recognize periods (Sexenios): 3. CNEAI evaluation, tranches (2005-2011; 2011-2016; 2017-2022)
CV.UCH. Inglés