Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular y Clínica (OMC)


The Molecular and Clinical Oncology Lab (CMO), accredited since 2020 as a consolidated research group (Fisabio), is multidisciplinary and composed of: 3 oncology physicians involved in translational research projects and actively participate in national and international clinical trials (EECC) as PIs or collaborating researchers: 37 between 2019-2023; 22 are phase I,II and 15 in III, on breast (22), urogenital and lung cancer: J. Garde Noguera, MD. PhD: PI of 3 projects: ENLACE, COVID19-microbiota and another on immunotherapy. The latter has given rise to a doctoral thesis (2024) where he is director. Author of 30 peer-reviewed publications and 35 presentations at national and international conferences. Master lecturer at the UV and associate lecturer at the CEU. J. García Sánchez, MD, PhD student at UV, PI of 2 projects funded by Roche (67.000€) and Guardant USA, on biomarkers in cancer, has been collaborator of a project funded by the ISCIII. He has 20 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 20 presentations at national and international conferences. S. Marín, MD, PhD student at UCV, is PI of the Pre-Phenix (F.Contigo) and Determined studies on HER+ and HR+ breast cancer, respectively. Author of 4 publications in international journals and 7 presentations at national and international congresses. The CMO has basic-translational researchers: L. Serrano: Biologist, pre-doctoral student AECC, with experience in flow cytometry and molecular biology. A. Moret: Biologist, with more than 15 years of experience in health laboratories. Expert in molecular techniques, author of 32 international publications, 3 years of experience as coordinator of clinical trials in our unit. C. Llinares: technical assistant in the laboratory. M. Portero: nurse expert in sample collection, clinical trial assistance and patient care.

Investigador principal

Miembros externos

Lucia Serrano(Hospital Arnau de Vilanova),

Líneas de investigación

Inmunoterapia en Cáncer de Mama.

Búsqueda de Biomarcadores y estudios de mecanismos de inmunosupresión en pacientes con cáncer tratados con inmunoterapia.

Microbiota y cáncer de mama hormono dependiente.

Estudio de la microbiota intestinal en pacientes con cáncer de mama hormono dependiente, mecanismo de desarrollo del cáncer, evolución y resistencia a terapias.

Cáncer de pulmón microcítico:calsificación submolecular.

Mediante estudios de transcriptómica se intenta realizar una clasificación submolecular del cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas para una mejor terapia.